Ray Frigault Talks

Ray Frigault Talks

Ray Frigault

Ray Frigault is not only an author he is also a keynote speaker. His goal is to give hope to those who have experienced hard times and feel their life has no meaning. His talk will show the audience how, at 40 years old he found the key to living a more youthful satisfying life.

Ray has lived a full life and worn many hats, which means he can speak with authority on many subjects. He has dealt with addiction to cocaine, alcohol and cigarettes. He also has experience with gambling addiction having dealt with it in his second marriage, which is ironic seeing as he worked for over 20 years in a Casino. Ray has had 3 careers and is currently in his 4th at the age of 68. He is twice divorced and in his 3rd marriage. He has seen two businesses destroyed by outside influences (Black Monday in the 80’s and 9/11) which forced him to claim bankruptcy two times.
Ray’s talk, Seeing Is Believing, is meant to show people who are struggling with their past, that there is life after addiction or bankruptcy or divorce. That just because your business failed does not mean you’re a failure, that here is always a chance to rebuild. His theories about Time will bring HOPE to people who feel they have reached a dead end in their life. The concept of Seeing is Believing is: “Look at me! If I can do it so can you!”
Equinox 40 is how Ray conveys his theories about time into a simple description that everyone over 40 can use to feel better about middle age. Simply put, your 40th birthday is the equinox of your life.Equinox is a day when night and day are of equal length. If you take into consideration that in North America the average life expectancy is over 80 and 40+40=80, you are smack dab in the middle of your life. So that means; on your 40th birthday you are actually a baby starting over in your second life. If you can find a picture of yourself as a baby and look at it you will realize just how young you really are. Middle age no longer feels like the beginning of the downward slide into old age. You are a youngster with a full life ahead of you. And you can relate to how much time is ahead of you because you have already lived 40 years.

Treat your audience to an experience that is uplifting and inspiring.

“Seeing is Believing” is both entertaining and inspirational. Ray speaks honestly about his life experiences in a way that makes the audience feel like they have known him for years. His sense of humour is captivating, his enthusiasm contagious. The audience will walk out with a renewed zest for life.

You’re younger than you think !

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